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Emojism ism Project


After doing some experiments we realized that it would benefit to rewrite the emoji definitions. Official definitions didn’t seem to fit with the emojis, making us realise we need to make a new and improved version, as we felt that they were wrong but this could be down to us individually having our own interpretations. We ended up creating an emoji dictionary. This is for people to use when trying to became a level 1 emojist and for each subsequant level. We thought that re writing the Emoji dictionary would take the current meanings for each emoji and make thier meaning clearer and more consistent.


The 5 levels of emojism

Each level shows a different intensity of our ism. You get to choose what level you want to be. 
Level 1 Microemojist is a normal person who uses emojis within some of their conversations. Level 2 Semiemojist uses the emoji dictionary a lot more for conversations and has started wearing emoji merchandise. Level 1 and 2 are very similar and haven’t fully committed to the ism. I wanted to focus on level 3 Crasoemojist, level 4 Polyemojist and level 5 Ultraemojist because they are stand out from the crowd.

I wanted to improve this project so I decided to make two skype videos to show how emojism developed as an ISM. originally this was a group project but then I needed to improve it and conclude it in the way I wanted it so I planned and acted on these outcomes away from my group.

I used the Quicktime screen recorder to record the conversation and I used an ipad to show the emojis. The ipad is connected to the person (conceptually)

Level 4 emojists contact eachother from all ages making emojism become universal and for all generations to convert to.

This level shows how technology could take over our lives and this video shows how negatively the devices and technology we use, can be used excessively and pushed to extremes.

I wanted to improve this project so I decided to make two skype videos to show how emojism developed as an ISM.

Originally this was a group project but then I needed to improve it and conclude it in the way I wanted it so I planned and acted on these outcomes away from my group. 

I used the Quicktime screen recorder to record the conversation.

Level 1 emojist talking on skype to level 5 emojist - this shows the how each any level can communicate with on another. Also this shows the different levels of emojism from one level to the other extreme.

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